

主演:Adriana Herrán,David Guerrero

导演:Azusa Nakazawa,藤田可菜,Kim Rios Lin


《骨肉相连》影片介绍:哥伦比亚新浪潮导演Carlos Mayolo的长片处女作,一部哥特风格的幻想片,获葡萄牙幻想电影节最佳女主角和最佳影片提名。是导演向Roman Polanski的《Rosemary's Baby》致敬的作品。  Flesh of your flesh is a political allegory trhough a love story, framed into the magical colombian universe. In 1955, in the middle of a military dictatorship, a teenage girl seduces her brother and due to their incestous relationship the lovers are possessed by the ghosts of their ancestors. The two youngsters become vampirical and criminal creatures like those created by the colombian violencia, mingling with the mythological beings of the countryside like drafts and other ghost sowing fear into the heart of men.  Directed by Carlos Mayolo. Centers on a wealthy family fighting over the last testament of a just-deceased matriarch. From there, the family members are shown to have an incestuous relationship, and eventually vampires come into the picture, as well as unbridled slaughter.  Tropical Gothic Baroque. An extremely interesting film about La Violencia in Colombia which captures the strange social and political heterogeneity of this dark set of events. Mayolo developed his own aesthetic - partly in collaboration with filmmaker Luis Ospina and the late Andrés Caicedo - 'el gótico tropical' in order to convey this strangeness. The film combines local Colombian myths - caspi, la madremonte, el hojarasquin del monte - with themes of vampirism and incest to convey the place of La Violencia within a repetitive and cyclical history characterised by interpartisan conflicts that benefit the empowerment of the Colombian aristocracy.... 详情



  • 一天八杯水:刚刚
  • 象持:7分钟前
  • 珍果粒:6分钟前
    6 问:催眠对心理健康会不会有不良影响?答:催眠术本身是一种非常安全的心理调整和治疗技术,只要施术者规范操作,不会对心理健康产生不良影响。
  • 橙汁感谢:1分钟前
  • 何西西:3分钟前
  • 大黑骡子:小时前
    曾在里扮演大笨熊的迈克尔·卡拉克·邓肯饰演约翰·考夫利,一个外形 与性格存在巨大反差的人物。
  • 废喵:9小时前
  • 曦驲:8小时前
  • 小玉狐:4小时前
    谁知道上个星期四CCTV第一剧场晚间一部美国影片的名字如题 谢谢了
  • 我咋那么萌捏:1天前
    主人约翰(亚当•桑德勒饰)和黛博拉(蒂亚•李欧妮 饰)夫妇虽然都很善良,但他们与芙兰在生活方式以及对待孩子的态度上的分歧,也着实令芙兰伤透了脑筋。


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